Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Bangkok taxi

After a night of partying, Michael put me in a taxi for my guest house- it was about 4am. Along the way I asked the driver if he wanted some of my chocolate bar, he refused, he offered me a juice box, i refused, all in al it was a nice ride. We tried to communicate but it didn't really work.
So finally we get to my guest house and the meter says 77 bhat.
He says "for you, 40. only 40."
and i say "why? no no no."
and he says "yes!" and gives me back 60 change for my 100.
Then he turns around from the front seat into the back seat and gives me a great big hug and says "bye!"

So nice... for no reason. Except..

I tell Michael about it the next day and he says "no no no, that doesn't happen in Bangkok. The cab driver actually PAID you 37 bhat to give you a hug!"

Depends on your perspective, I guess.


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