Friday, January 27, 2006

My Laos list:

The BeerLao signs, and trucks of bottles driving past.
The French signs.
The baguettes and croissants and chocolate danishes.
How kids were always on the streets, any time of day, any day of the week.
The kip- the thousands upon thousands of kip.
How every flag is accompanied by the red 'hammer and sickle' flag. The white circle in the middle represents the "white light of communism".
Laolao. Damn that was a fun night. You would turn on your friend to not do a shot of Laolao.
The mountains, The treks, The villages, I have not yet visited...

That Canadian girl said she went to a village in Northern Lao and they had a party for the foreigners (all 5 of them- she thinks they just wanted an excuse!) After doing shots of Laolao and drinking Lao whisky, someone said "Now we play chickenhead". Now I don't think anyone really ever wants to hear those words. Anyhow, what they did was take out this chickenhead and stick it on a plate with a bowl on top. The would shake the lot, and when they took the bowl off, whichever person the beak was pointing at had to drink a shot! Now that is a drinking game!

You know, I didn't ever take a puking bus. You know, I am quite happy about that. (Buses that go thru the mountains that carry locals. The locals get quite severe motion sickness and so they puke into plastic bags- or on the floor- or anywhere really. Except maybe out the window.)

So, as you can see this is a rather pitiful list. Therefore I must go back to Laos.

Also to clarify. I am not in a hurry. Well, I am only bc I have to get my visa for India. I am in a hurry for India, bc those girls are going and I think it will be quite a laugh! But I will not hurry India. I think the only deadline I have set for myself is to be in Beijing for Jess' bday in April. Other than that, the wallet dictates the time I have ;)


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